That Nerd Channel, Who am i?

Hello all!

My name is Daz, and decided to start this blog as i love to tinker with all sorts and theres so many conflicting tips and tricks on the internet. I've tried alot of them, some work and some dont, some even cause big problems down the line. So i thought i'd make a blog where i can post the wierd and wonderful things i get up to, and a place to consolidate what i've learnt from my testing and messing around with 3d printers (breaking parts and figuring out why i broke them).

I have spent the last 5-6 months testing filaments, dialing in my printers tolerances, experimenting with printing speeds.... and my latest project is to build a Dolly Mk2, the version made by Thomas Sandladerer. Check him out on youtube @

I have watched alot of his videos as his looks at 3d printing from an engineers point of view which is the kind of thing that got me interested in 3d printing.

On his channel you'll find very detailed live build videos, which are very informative and help you not just build the printer but understand what part does what, which helps alot when something goes wrong and you need to troubleshoot.

So my first few posts will be about my experiences in my first try printing with ABS in a cardboard enclosure (i'll get round to using plexi as some point!) and printing the mk2 Dolly parts.

I'll also be posting about helpful items i find online for 3d printing, from getting a good first layer, to troubleshooting problems.

Hopefully someone will find some helpful tips on here from time to time :)

Take it easy everyone


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